Sunday, June 2, 2013

Transitioning to Vegan Beauty & Style

It has been my experience that transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to our make-up and wardrobe. Eating vegan was really easy for me to switch to because I shop on a weekly basis for groceries, so it wasn't like I was having to get rid of things. I was eventually going to have to buy more food. When it comes to make-up and clothes though, I don't buy new stuff every week. I also don't have a budget that allows for me to get rid of every product that contains animal products and replace it with vegan products all at one time.

I have found that transitioning to a vegan lifestyle slowly, is what works for me. I am less overwhelmed when I allow myself the room to change things at my own pace. For instance, just a few weeks ago I ran out of foundation. Though my foundation was already vegan, I have replaced it with a product from a cosmetic company that I love and want to support- Gabriel Cosmetics- all of their products are vegan! So instead of buying from a brand that isn't 100% vegan, I choose to help support a company that I love and that inspires me. It's the same with clothes, I have decided as my wardrobe needs replaced I will purchase vegan alternatives. No wool, silk, leather, down or fur.

How has been your experience transitioning to a vegan beauty lifestyle? Did you
do it slowly over time or all at once? I would love to hear from you!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Lovely-Lush Products

Lush is on one cosmetic brand I wish I could say I absolutely love. Some products I do love. Like their Aqua Marina cleansing roll. It felt amazing on my face when I used it. But not all of their products are created equally. First of all, not all of the products are vegan. Some of their lip tints are vegan and some are not. So you have to make sure you look for the "V" on all the labels. Second, though they do label what ingredients are natural and which are synthetic, a lot of their products contain toxic ingredients. For example, they still use parabens and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.  Two nasty ingredients used as preservatives and lather in soaps and shampoos. Once, when I was at lush I asked one of the workers why they still used parabens. Her answer was "Parabens are actually not bad for you. Did you know that parabens are naturally occurring in blueberries?" Ummm, I thought to myself, are you actually using the parabens from the blueberries in these products? I think not.
So I wanted to compile a list of vegan, non-toxic products at Lush that I feel happy using. I hope it makes your shopping at Lush, easier to navigate. I sifted through their catalog and read the ingredients for every product and these are their loveliest ones!

(All product photos from Lush)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics


I am currently dreaming of someday trying Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. This cosmetic company is 100% vegan and cruelty-free. As well as high performance, offering a wide array of highly pigmented colors. At first I was not sure if they would meet my non-toxic standards, but they did! I looked up the ingredients on skindeep and none of the ingredients went above a score of 4. (A side note: Skindeep rates the hazardous level of ingredients from 0 being the least hazardous to 10 being the most hazardous. I try to keep all of the ingredients I use to be a 4 or under) I will be extremely excited the day I get a hold of a product of theirs! For now I will just be inspired by their creativity and design.


Until next time,

Friday, April 5, 2013

Welcome to the Vegan Beauty Girl!

My name is Jessica and I am so excited to share with you my passion for cruelty-free, non-toxic beauty!

Here is a video from Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart, designer of Vaute Couture. This high fashion, all vegan, clothing line is beautiful! I love everything about it.

(Photos by Gregory Vaughan, found on Vaute Coutures Facebook)

To me, beauty is not only about adorning your external self with makeup, amazing hair and fashion forward attire  - it is about being an activist for causes you believe in through your lifestyle. What we put on our bodies, the beauty products we use, all have a major impact on not only our health, but also on animals, the environment and other human beings.

Have you ever thought about what animals had to go through to test the makeup you are wearing? Have you ever thought about the conditions that children in factories all over the world are currently working in to make your clothes? What about the toxins that are in our beauty products that are effecting our health? We have the opportunity to say no to the suffering that is happening in the fashion and beauty industry and to say yes to cruelty-free, non-toxic fashion and beauty! We vote with our dollars, we vote with our lifestyle.

My hope is that this blog will make it easier for you to vote for a cruelty-free lifestyle. I will be sharing with you beauty tips, products, vegan fashion and tutorials. Living a cruelty-free, non-toxic lifestyle is a beautiful thing!

Until next time,